Wednesday 30 January 2013


Hello, again!

This is something I've been wanting to try for ages, but nothing was going by way. There is a story behind this, I am a crazy cat lady. I love cats, owning two myself.
If you haven't please check out Kitten Cam. John is a kitty foster Dad. He takes in Mums & their new borns, & live streams the first eight weeks of their lives. He works as a volunteer at Purrfect Pals, which is an organisation in America.
The cam started as a way he could keep an eye on the kittens & Mum whilst he was at work etc, but it went viral.
It is such a good thing he does, & it is amazing watching the kittens grow up & be able to share their journey & I desperately wanted to do some nail art.

There are five kittens in the current group of fosters, & I got a bit over my head with this, I tried the kittens I thought would be the easiest, but that didn't work, so ended up doing one of my favourites, the lovely Parker:

Photo taken by John, used with his permission.

One of Parkers many escape attempts. I haven't done him justice in anyway, but a tabby was never going to be easy. 

Sadly poor Parker has ended up looking more like a dog, but it took ages, & I wasn't about to start again. 

If you'd like to see more photos, or get more information about the kitten cam, check out The Critter Room on Facebook. 

Catch you laters


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